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this ins't your practice life, babe!






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cait pearson mindset coaching


book alignment session here


i deserve a life i love.

Hey babe, what if you said

And then just fucking went for it.


That’s what I’m offering. IT ALL. No, but really. Together we slay the dragons of limiting beliefs, conditioning, and give you the freedom to choose what want to create with this dazzling group project that is life. I’ll walk you through a fool-proof method for reframing e v e r y t h i n g. Once you know, you can’t unknow and that’s just where the actual magick begins. More on witchy business later - but it’s true, no boring strategy sessions, no good intentioned tactics, just all full send success. LFG.

But you don't believe it's possible to have it all.

you dream of freedom.

let me guess

financial security + stability.
love that feels like breathing.
a life that you feel fulfilled in.
community that feels like fireworks.
a body that feels strong and alive.

cait (WHO ELSE?)

wanting what you want and having it doesn't require a fearless strategy, no. it requires resilience reinforced with purpose and joy so you become greater than any outside obstacle.

when you know who you are and love who that is deep in your bones, you become unstoppable. fireproof.

What if the key to your success wasn’t about how smart or talented you are, but about the mindset habits you cultivate every single day? Welcome to ‘The Problem is You,’ the podcast that takes you on a fun and enlightening journey into the wild world of the mind.

Closing the gap between believing you can have what you want to actually getting it- yes, I’m going to show you how. From a small town in Pennsylvania with a pipe-dream to Portland, OR with a six figure business, to nomadic living and a community that is BETTER than in my dreams. I have literally done it all. Did it come easy? No, absolutely not. I know what it feels like to battle with my self-worth, with financial struggles, and crippling self-doubt that had me questioning what the hell I was doing every other day. Life is WILD.

But here’s the good news. You’re here. No really. Whether you feel like you’re trying really hard and not seeing changes or you haven’t dared to speak that not-so-delusional dream out loud yet. You are in the right place. Consider me your new secret weapon activated. Together, we will navigate the ick, forge through the fear, and who knows - you may not even recognize who emerges when we design the life you don’t want to sleep through. How’s that sound? Great, let’s go!

hype girl for days, wine lover, and world traveler

You've come to the right place & I am so glad that you are here!

i'm cait, a mindset coach living my truth

Xx, Cait

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