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this ins't your practice life, babe!






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I was always destined to be here, writing this. I was always meant to be sitting in a coffee shop somewhere writing about how every single moment of my, very challenging at times, life lead me to this exact moment telling you that it’s all going to work out. 

It won’t work out because of the long hours or sleepless nights, it won’t work out because the money comes, it won’t work out because you finally healed that old trauma wound with your therapist last week. It will work out because you are here, breathing, trying, and not quitting, not ever. You keep showing up. The outcomes that come because of that quality within you, the resilience that won’t relinquish itself to circumstance, will not be the things that make your life sweet and beautiful and brilliant. The things that will are in fact the qualities about who you are that makes your relationship to those things soft, unbothered, and unafraid.

I'm cait, a hopeful romantic, a complete goof, a mystic witch, speaker, writer, podcast host, and so much more.


I want you to know that your life isn’t about what you have but how you hold what you have.

How you recognize what you have to hold and that the most precious things you can ever hold onto is not money but the love inside of the arms of the people that know you.

You were born wild and screaming. You wanted the world to know you were here. Who would the world know if they knew you now?

This group project called life isn’t about checking the boxes or measuring up to the status quo. It’s about at the end of it all being proud of who showed up. And holy shit are you ever.


i never wanted to settle but i just couldn't figure out how to not do that.

Let me be clear. I did all the things.
I went to college. I got the degree. I got a job in the field I studied. I made a starting salary of $50k with all the bells and whistles. I had the adoring partner and pretty rad friends. I had supportive and proud parents. All that was truly next was the two and a half kids and the white picket fence, right? Living the dream as they say.

But whose dream? And who in the world are "they"?

I started a podcast as an outlet to just be honest that "having it all" still didn't feel like enough, and my life was changed forever.

People came in droves to say "me too," and my work began....

a little bit about my story

Xx, Cait

Whether it's making more money, having a healthy and strong body, being a better partner, or building a business you love it all comes down to not only what we think about but HOW we think about it.

And since over 80% of our thoughts go unchecked, this is massively hard to do alone. That's where I step in....

no dream is the exception.

closing the space between where we are, who we are, and what we want is a matter of looking at the beliefs that live in the gaps.



When asked if I had any events coming up I casually said, "Yes I do actually, I have a community event next month, it's free, all are invited if my message resonates." There was no event at the time, I pulled it off anyway and 63 people showed up to support themselves and each other.

She's Hungry was really born this year.

i told a lie on a popdcast interview


I was grocery shopping when I got multiple texts and a phone call from my friend saying my podcast was blowing up on the Self-Help Apple Charts.

The she's hungry podcast ranked top 200 on apple podcast


Post pandemic me was a shell of myself. I was living off the remnants of my savings, I had a questionable relationship with alcohol, and my soul dog died. I knew I was so far out of alignment and thank god for therapy because changes had to be made. 

the pits of shadow work and untethering from expectations


I sold my car, broke my lease, and bought a van located in NM. The journey was hard to bringing Betty home IYKYK but among all the challenge I remembered it's not always about what it all looks like but it's your relationship to what it all looks like that's the key. I was so happy.

I bet on me and took the leap.


When I stopped focusing on what it looked like and brought more clarity and confidence to what I needed it to feel like everything fell into place. I met the community of my dreams, hosted workshops, and am now building a coaching business I've never felt more on purpose with. 

bend, oregon and badass community

How I got here